Words of an Angel Sibling

When we lost Poppy her siblings were only 9, 7 and 4. One of the hardest things I have ever done is tell my children that their baby sister had died. Dealing with their grief alongside my own has been incredibly hard. But my children amaze me each and every day. They have more love, compassion and understanding about baby loss than many adults. They have a love so fierce for their sister that they include her in everything and her name is said each and every day. I have put together words to express the love and grief of an angel sibling from the experiences of my own children.

In December 2019 we welcomed Poppy’s baby brother into the world. He will know everything about his big sister and will always know he has his very own guardian angel.

On this page you will find words of love and support for angel siblings x

Words of loss

Words of an Angel Mummy

Words of an Angel Daddy

Words of Grief

Words of Love and Loss

All content is my own thoughts, feelings, beliefs and experience from my own journey of baby loss. This post may contain affiliate links, please see the Copyright and Disclosures page for more information.
Angel Sibling Quote: My children have a sister with wings.
Angel Sibling Quote: There's nothing fiercer than the love of an angel sibling.
Angel Sibling Quote: Some siblings don't get to hold hands, play games or make happy memories together. Instead they share their love between heaven and earth. Forever honouring their place in their family.
Angel Sibling Quote: Sibling love knows no boundaries. Even the distance between heaven and earth will never stop the powerful bond of brothers and sisters.

Rainbow Baby Quote: Our rainbow will always be because f you never ever instead of you.
Rainbow Baby Quote: A rainbow baby will never ever replace our lost baby or babies. Instead this precious gift brings us pure happiness and a ray of light in a storm that will last in our hearts forever.
Quote: Nothing tears at a mothers heart more than having her children in two different places. Heaven and earth.

Quote: Sister to an Angel.
Quote: Brother to an Angel.
Quote: Siblings grieve too.

I hope that the words that I have created on this page have brought you some comfort and have shown that you are not alone whether that be as an angel sibling yourself or as a parent seeking support. If you feel you need additional help please seek support from one of the Baby Loss charities e.g. Tommy’s, Sands, ARC, Petals.

If you have any words which bring you comfort I would love to hear them. Thank you. Sara x

Please join Poppy’s journey on social media:

If you need additional support:

Arc – Antenatal results and choices.

Petals – The Baby Loss Counselling Charity.

Tommy’s – Baby Charity – Together, for every baby.

Sands – Stillbirth and neonatal death charity.


Baby Loss Support Links – A dedicated page I have put together of a range of support links.

To find out more about my ‘Baby Loss and Grief Journal’ please click below:

Subscribe to My Poppy Rose

Post title photo: Words of an angel sibling.
