‘Hearts from Poppy’ is a project that I have started to provide memories and support for Baby Loss families.
All content is my own thoughts, feelings, beliefs and experience from my own journey of baby loss. This post may contain affiliate links, please see the Copyright and Disclosures page for more information.
Sibling Hearts
This is where my project begun. I wanted to find something that I could create which would connect siblings. We were very fortunate that we used keepsakes from our memory box, which our children could share with Poppy. These keepsakes mean the world to our children and knowing that Poppy shares their item makes them so very special. It helped them, particularly in the early days, to have something to hold and feel comforted by.
In my Sibling Hearts bag there are two matching handmade hearts. One is for baby and the other is for their sibling. This provides a very special connection. Also in the bag is a poem for the babys sibling.
If you would like to help support ‘Hearts from Poppy’ please visit:

Grandparent Hearts
Grandparents can often be the forgotten grievers. In many ways they grieve twice. For their Grandchild but also for their own child, who is going through a journey no parent should ever have to.
Whilst making the Sibling Hearts I realised that I could do the same for Grandparents. As with the Sibling Hearts there are two handmade hearts. One is for baby and one is for the Grandparent. Again this gives a special connection. Also in the bag is a poem for the Grandparent/s.
If you would like to help support ‘Hearts from Poppy’ please visit:

Hearts of Compassion
My Hearts of Compassion are for families who have been through a Compassionate Induction (TFMR -Termination for Medical Reasons). This corner of the Baby Loss world, as I have found, can be very lonely and isolating. I have been incredibly lucky to have amazing support, but sadly I know many that haven’t. When you have a baby too poorly for this world often the only way to save them is to let them go peacefully. As a parent this goes against everything in us, but also as a parent so does allowing your child to suffer. I cannot begin to put into words the indescribable heartbreak, grief, guilt, isolation, fear, my list goes on, that being here does to you. I try to hold onto the fact that we took every piece of Poppy’s pain so that she never, ever had to suffer.
My Hearts of Compassion contain a single heart. It’s a symbol of support, of love, of having someone who understands. Within the bag is also a letter from me.
If you would like to help support ‘Hearts from Poppy’ please visit:

Where have Poppy’s Hearts been given?
Poppy’s Hearts have been lovingly received in the following Maternity Bereavement Suits:
The Blossom Suite at Broomfield Hospital
The Butterfly Suite at Southend Hospital
The Forget Me Not Suite at Basildon Hospital
If you would like to help support ‘Hearts from Poppy’ please visit:

How can I help to support the ‘Hearts from Poppy’ project?
If you would like to help support ‘Hearts from Poppy’ or ‘My Poppy Rose’ please visit my Go Fund Me page. Any support is valuable in allowing me to help baby loss families and continue Poppy’s Legacy of Love.

Thank you so much for taking the time to read about my project ‘Hearts from Poppy’. I really hope that they bring some comfort to those who receive them.
My love to you all. Sara x
To visit Hearts from Poppy Facebook page please click here:
If you need additional support:
Arc – Antenatal results and choices.
Petals – The Baby Loss Counselling Charity.
Tommy’s – Baby Charity – Together, for every baby.
Sands – Stillbirth and neonatal death charity.
Baby Loss Support Links – A dedicated page I have put together of a range of support links.
To find out more about my ‘Baby Loss and Grief Journal’ please click below: