Words of Loss

On this page you will find words of loss written by myself or others. I have found comfort in reading other peoples words in helping my journey of grief.  . Others thoughts and feelings have helped me to realise that I am not alone in how I feel. At times I have spent hours scrolling through Pinterest just reading others thoughts. I share my words of loss and other support on my Facebook page and Instagram. Thank you. Sara x

On the following pages you will find more words surrounding baby loss and grief:

Words of an Angel Mummy

Words of an Angel Daddy

Words of an Angel Sibling

Words of Grief

Words of Love and Loss

All content is my own thoughts, feelings, beliefs and experience from my own journey of baby loss. This post may contain affiliate links, please see the Copyright and Disclosures page for more information.
Angel Mummy Quote: How could the world continue when ours had been completely wiped from beneath us.
Quote: Behind every broken heart their is a beautiful story.
Quote: You are always just a whisper away.
Quote: I struggle with my busy mind, it never lets me rest. Feelings, emotions, thoughts forever whirling in every direction.


Quote: It was never meant to be like this.
Angel Mummy Quote: All you can do is take each day as it comes. Some days it will be hour by hour and on those really tough days it will be minute by minute. The waves will ride high and low, and you may not feel it but you will survive. The storm will never leave but you will find glimmers of light.
Quote: With grief comes fear. Fear of the world. Fear of the world taking again.
Angel Mummy quote: I'm so sorry I couldn't save you.
You will always be our forever missing piece.

Angel Mummy Quote: I want your legacy to be love.
Angel Mummy Quote: When you have lost your world you hold those you love even tighter.
Quote: Our rainbow will always be because of you never ever instead of you.
Our journeys are all so different but what unites us is the devastating loss of our precious baby.


Angel Mummy Quote: There are heart wrenching moments in life which change us forever.
Angel Mummy Quote: I wish I'd held you a little longer. I wish I'd kissed you one more time. I wish I didn't have to spend a lifetime without you.
Angel Mummy Quote: I'd rather miss you forever than never have met you.
Baby loss Quote: Missing you.

Poppy Rose.
Baby loss Quote: The moment your heart stopped mine changed forever.
Baby loss Quote: How blessed am I that you are mine. How blessed am I that I gave birth to you, held you and loved you with all my heart. How blessed am I that you are mine. How cruel is life not to let you stay.
Quote: Somethmes all we need is a hug. No words, just to be held and loved.

Baby loss Quote: I will always wonder who you would have been.
Baby loss Quote: Wishing my beautiful daughter a merry Christmas in heaven.
Baby loss Quote: On Christmas eve we will be searching the night sky for you.
Quote: I wish I could se the magic and wonder in your eyes this Christmas.

Baby loss Quote: This journey is so incredibly hard. Some days I feel I can breath a little easier. Yet others I feel as though my emotions are spiralling out of control. It doesn't matter how long it's been, to live without one of your children is the greatest pain anyone has to carry.
Baby loss Quote: When your heart has been shattered into a million pieces it will never be the same again.
Quote: I wish you were here this Christmas.
Quote: You are my sunshine, my only sunshine, you make me happy when skies are grey. You'll never know dear how much I love you. Please don't take my sunshine away.

Quote: Daddy to an angel.
Quote: You find my calm.
Quote: You'll always be my favourite what if.
Quote: My heart will forever ache for you.

Quote: My children have a sister with wings.
Quote: Mummy to an angel.
Quote: Your wings were ready but my heart was not.
Quote: A rainbow baby will never ever replace our lost baby or babies. Instead this precious gift brings us pure happiness and a ray of light in a storm that will last in our hearts forever.

Quote: Nobody should underestimate the grieving daddy, how he seems is not what he is.
Baby loss Quote: Nobody ever imagines they will be a part of the baby loss community. But if you find yourself here all you will find is endless love and support.
Grief Quote: Perhaps they are not stars, but rather openings in heaven where the love of our lost loved ones pours through and shines down upon us to let us know that they are happy.
Baby loss Quote: Goodnight my beautiful angel. I'll see you in my dreams.

Baby loss quote: You will forever be my hardest goodbye.
Baby loss Quote: I have my very own guardian angel. My daughter.
Baby loss quote: Happy valentines day to our beautiful angel babies. They have taught us the meaning of pure love.
Baby loss Quote: Sometimes the pain can catch me completely unaware. It creeps up on me and I will physically catch my breath. My stomach will fall and I just want to be swept away.

Quote: If someone is telling you how they feel please listen. Don't shut them down or belittle how they feel. What they are saying is important to them. And may have taken a lot of courage to say. The damage one person can cause to someone in incredible pain by doing this is indescribable.
Baby loss Quote: Sometimes the pain is just too much to bare.
Baby loss Quote: Please, please don't judge me until you have walked in my shoes.
Baby loss Quote: Each and every time I see a pregnant lady, aside from the deep longing to be pregnant I hold my breath. I then whisper stay safe, please, please don't assume that everything will be fine.

Baby loss Quote: Don't take anything for granted.
Baby loss Quote: Without you, without our world being shattered into a million pieces. We would never have learnt the true meaning of pure love.
Baby lossQuote: The only way to save you was to let you go.
Nothing tears at a mothers heart more than having her children in two different places. Heaven and earth.

Quote: The toughest role I've ever had to play is to be a good Mummy whilst my heart laid shattered on the floor.
Baby loss Quote: I will hold you in my heart forever. In my mind, my soul. In fact you will consume the whole of me until I can hold you in my arms again.
Baby loss Quote: If love alone could have saved you, you would have stayed with us forever.
Baby loss Quote: Today my heart is hurting a little bit more.
Words of loss quote: Knowing you were gone before you arrived broke me. Birth and death should never collide. No parent should ever have to say goodbye before they've even said hello.

I hope that the words of loss that I have created on this page have brought you some comfort and have shown that you are not alone. Baby loss and each of our individual journeys of grief is a life long process. Please know that there is a lot of support available. There are many charities, support groups and therapists that specialise in Baby Loss where you will get individual support for your circumstances.

if you have any quotes which have helped you I would love to hear them. Thank you. Sara x

Please join Poppy’s journey on social media:

If you need additional support:

Arc – Antenatal results and choices.

Petals – The Baby Loss Counselling Charity.

Tommy’s – Baby Charity – Together, for every baby.

Sands – Stillbirth and neonatal death charity.


Baby Loss Support Links – A dedicated page I have put together of a range of support links.

To find out more about my ‘Baby Loss and Grief Journal’ please click below:

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Page title: Words of loss
